Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Quetionnaire

For my media coursework I will be designing and producing a magazine targeted at young people in the UK. In order for me to start designing my magazine it is vital that I undergo research so that I can understand what readers are looking for in a successful music magazine. I would be highly grateful if you could spare a few short minutes of your time completing this questionnaire!

1.      What gender are you?

 Male                Female
[       ]                 [       ]

2.       How old are you?

16-18                 18-21
[      ]                  [      ]

3.      What ethnic background do you come from?

White British/ Irish        Black British/African     Black British/Caribbean      

[      ]                                    [      ]                                [      ]

Black British/Other       Asian British/ Chinese      Asian British/ Indian     

[      ]                                    [      ]                                [      ]

Asian British/Other       Mixed/Black and White     Mixed/Other                Other  

[      ]                                    [      ]                                [      ]                         [      ]

4.       What genre(s) of music best suits you taste?

Hip-hop             R&B                Indie Rock                  Grime              Heavy Metal

[      ]                  [      ]                    [      ]                        [      ]                   [      ]           

Death Metal      Dubstep             Reggae                     Punjabi MC      Classical 

          [      ]                 [      ]                    [      ]                       [     ]                    [      ]

          Instrumental     Other (please state): _________________________
          [      ]

5.      Do you read music magazines?

Yes                      No
[      ]                  [      ]
If yes, please state which one(s):  ________________________________________

6.      How much money would you spend on a music magazine?

Under £2.oo                  £2.oo-£3.oo                 £3.oo-£4.oo                 £4.oo+
[      ]                              [      ]                             [      ]                          [      ]

7.      What type of freebies would you prefer with a magazine you have purchased?

Headphones                  Posters             Cameras                      Mini Make up Kit
[      ]                              [      ]                [      ]                            [      ]

8.      Do you watch music channels on Television?

Yes                    No

[      ]                  [      ]

If yes, please name the music channel(s):  _________________________________

9.      Do you listen to music on the radio, if so which one(s)?

Kiss 100                        capital FM               Heart               magic                              

[      ]                  [      ]                       [      ]                [      ]      

Platinum            classical FM

[      ]                  [      ]

10.  Have you ever been to a music concert?

Yes                    No

If yes, please state the genre: _________________

11.  Do you produce your own music, if so, which programme do you use? (optional)

Cubase               Fruity loops                 Reason                        Logic               Garageband
          [      ]                  [      ]                            [      ]                [      ]                [      ]   
          Other, please specify: ___________________


12.  Would you ever take on singing or producing as a career?

Yes                    No

[      ]                  [     ]

13.  Do you play any musical instruments?

Yes                    No

[      ]                  [      ]

If yes, please specify: ______________________________

If there are any issue or questions you would like to ask do not hesitate. Please write in following space below:

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