Monday, February 14, 2011

contents page analysis - NME (Gerard Way)

The contents page is very simple and can be broken down into four main section. The background is simply white and the colours used for graphics are simply red and black using a lot of reversed out text to stand out a lot. The right hand side of the page has the contents, divided into each section of the magazine on arrow graphics that point to the edge of the page, each being different colours to show the seperation of sections, each section with a small image attached showing one of the bands features in section, with the corresponding article highlighted within the section and the cover stories clearly labelled so anyone who bought the magazine knows were the main cover story can be found easily. there is a section at the bottom advertising a subscription, although all magazines have this, were it is placed varies, the image shows back issues of the magazine representing itself an interesting showing a range of different band covers.

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