Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Double page Article - kerrang (All American Rejects)

The colour scheme on the double page coincides with what the band are wearing, mainly the lead singer of the All American Rejects. by using colours that dont bleed' into one another for example red and yellow. The reader finds it easier to read and dont have to over exert themselves. the layout it balanced, perhaps a little more text, and has the impact of appering slightly organised and more structured than having the text in random chunks all across the double page spread. this makes it easier for the reader to read. only one image in the article is in full colour contrasting with the non-coloured images around it. It grabs the readers attention and amplifies the text around them. The pull-quote is used once more in advertising the bands ne album 'The All American Rejects might sound like a band your mum would approve of, but dont be fooled. Tyson and his crew dish the dirt.....' written in capitals and two different colours (purple & Red) drags the readers attention towards the article, after looking at the standout image. the article it self is layed out like a script for sport, with the journalist asking the question and the name of each of the members in front of their response. A simple and easy to read layout for the reader.

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