Thursday, February 10, 2011

Double page Article - (Black eyed Peas)

The photo has been edited so the main artist in the band stands out on the page and the other three have been faded into the background. the effect of this is that t makes the main mmber in the band seem more important than the rest. I like how the title in the article is in grey and gold. this relates to the clothing that the 'Black eyed peas' are wearing. This gives the page a theme that runs throughout the double page spread. Some of the text is harder to read against the darker parts of the picture although the fadded effect that has been used does help against it. Questions for the article is in bolder text. this makes it clear for the reader to know which parts are questions and which parts are answers. Most of the text is black and white lthough quotes of articles have been picked out and have been highlighted. These parts are white and black.

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