Wednesday, March 23, 2011

unfinished and finished contents pages

This is the unfinished version of my contnts page.

This is my final contents page.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

double page spread: first draft

this does not work as it is too simple and boring. i am going to redo my layout completely and use a different style of background as nothing much is going on.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Kelvin you have made very good progress with all aspects of the foundation production. Your front page looks impressive and is a significant improvement on the first version.
You should now aim to continue your running commentary of work in progress with your contents and main article pages. Include screen shots of various stages of the construction of these pages. You should also upload your original photographs used and any that were rejected.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

development of front page

this i what i started with in my front page.

this is what the final front age looked like. i changed the background colour from black to a light lilac one to math the complection of his skin. also having a black background made hat colour too stand out and it stopped it from presenting D-Gun as the focla poitn of the page.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Well done for completing most of thr research and planning tasks Kelvin. You have a few items outstanding i.e. focus group audio file.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Double page Article - kerrang (All American Rejects)

The colour scheme on the double page coincides with what the band are wearing, mainly the lead singer of the All American Rejects. by using colours that dont bleed' into one another for example red and yellow. The reader finds it easier to read and dont have to over exert themselves. the layout it balanced, perhaps a little more text, and has the impact of appering slightly organised and more structured than having the text in random chunks all across the double page spread. this makes it easier for the reader to read. only one image in the article is in full colour contrasting with the non-coloured images around it. It grabs the readers attention and amplifies the text around them. The pull-quote is used once more in advertising the bands ne album 'The All American Rejects might sound like a band your mum would approve of, but dont be fooled. Tyson and his crew dish the dirt.....' written in capitals and two different colours (purple & Red) drags the readers attention towards the article, after looking at the standout image. the article it self is layed out like a script for sport, with the journalist asking the question and the name of each of the members in front of their response. A simple and easy to read layout for the reader.


Monday, February 14, 2011

contents page analysis - NME (Gerard Way)

The contents page is very simple and can be broken down into four main section. The background is simply white and the colours used for graphics are simply red and black using a lot of reversed out text to stand out a lot. The right hand side of the page has the contents, divided into each section of the magazine on arrow graphics that point to the edge of the page, each being different colours to show the seperation of sections, each section with a small image attached showing one of the bands features in section, with the corresponding article highlighted within the section and the cover stories clearly labelled so anyone who bought the magazine knows were the main cover story can be found easily. there is a section at the bottom advertising a subscription, although all magazines have this, were it is placed varies, the image shows back issues of the magazine representing itself an interesting showing a range of different band covers.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Double page Article - (Black eyed Peas)

The photo has been edited so the main artist in the band stands out on the page and the other three have been faded into the background. the effect of this is that t makes the main mmber in the band seem more important than the rest. I like how the title in the article is in grey and gold. this relates to the clothing that the 'Black eyed peas' are wearing. This gives the page a theme that runs throughout the double page spread. Some of the text is harder to read against the darker parts of the picture although the fadded effect that has been used does help against it. Questions for the article is in bolder text. this makes it clear for the reader to know which parts are questions and which parts are answers. Most of the text is black and white lthough quotes of articles have been picked out and have been highlighted. These parts are white and black.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Contents page analysis - kerrang

The images are dominant on this contents page, this is positive as it gives the reader allot to look at and take in whilst looking attractive and not dull by just having all text. However it could look overdone and messy. As the contents is mainly images there are few words, however they are used in clear, black capitals to emphasise the angriness of the magazine as the target is the market of the Rock music. Also in a smaller font there is the cover issue and date. This is to remind the reader what issue it is even thought it is on the front cover. the overall impression is that the layout of the contents page is cluttered, bold and loud. This is done purposely as it attracts the target audience of Rock music, as a clean cut contents page would look out of place in this magazine. In the Right bottom corner there is a red box highlighting to the audience that they can get "get K! delivered to their door for just £6 a month" underneath there is a number for readers to subscribe to this offer. The reason why there is such a bright red used in the box is to attract readers to sign up.  As many magazines have there is a quick note from the editor. this is alongside the picture of the front cover. This is largely effective as it relates directly to the audience as i gives them a personal approach to the reader as they feel they can relate and connect to how the editor is writing. it is seen as conventional if the writer gives a common at he end of the article. 


Kelvin you have made a good start to the research and planning work.
Target: work through the checklist to ensure that you complete all of the tasks by 18th Feb.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Preliminary task

For my preliminary task i was asked to design and create a front and contents page to a music magazine based in the school. this is the product of my work:

Front Page:

As you can see i tried to incorporate the font style that would appeal more to 11-18 year olds. I used a popular area in the school that would immediately help the audience recognise that this is a school magazine. I also made Mariam fold her arms. This appeals to the younger children in the school as it could be seen as her being a role model..

Contents Page:
The problem i think i have with the contents page is that it is positivly composed but it is too different from my front page. I tried to maintain the image of Mariam throughout the page, however the font is too mature for the target audience.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

MY Music Magazine Article - Draft

2011: the year of new beginnings? Up and coming Hip-Hop artist storms US charts with his revolutionary rapping style.

As many up and coming artists will tell you, it is extremely hard to get recognised on a domestic scale let alone internationally. The hip-hop genre has seen rappers like 'lil wayne' and 'eminem' rise to fortune and fame in recent times however, our very own UK artists has joined the ranks of these A listed superstars. After he hit the UK charts in 2010, D-Gun 18, has rapidly gained the status of 'The Saviour' as his unique rapping ability has brought back the 'hip' into hip-hop. His chart topping number one single, entitled 'Blow Up' has earned him praise from hip-hop legend Dr.dre who claims "the game had lost its lyricism" and that "hip-hop is now safe in the hands of D-Gun". Not only that, the hit has earned him a nomination for the best up and coming rapper of 2010. His undisputed lyrical skill was recognised by jay-z and resulted in him being signed to his record label 'Rock Nation'.  There is much speculation on whether D-Gun will be releasing a debut album sometime early this year. Here we caught up with the up and coming talent as he spoke exclusively to BASe magazine about: The development of his lyrical skill, the status of 'The Saviour', the prospect of an outstanding 2011 and the eagerly awaited debut album.

My Music Magazine - Design Brief

For my coursework I have decided to design and produce a music magazine based on hip-hop/rap. This is due to the fact that I feel I am able to relate best in this type of music because I produce my own music in this genre. I have decided to work on my own as not many people are doing the same genre as me. I have chosen to aim my music magazine at males form the age of 16-21. I will be taking a picture of a solo artist as my front page and main image. I have been influenced by magazines such as ‘Rolling Stones’ and ‘Mass Appeal’ because they both are hip-hop magazines. I will make sure my magazine stands out and appeals to my target audience by maintaining the main characteristics of hip-hop magazines which are the following: Big bold font, urban style colours and controversial cover lines.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Music Magazine analysis - Rolling Stones (Tupac Shakur)

- The magazine I have purchased is produced by 'Rolling Stones'. The style of font used in the masthead reinforces the theme of hip-hop as the colour brown and font resembles that of graffiti on a wall. This symbolises the more traditional element to hip-hop where disobeying the law is seen as a way of expressing deliberate disobedience. The image of ‘Tupac Shakur‘overlaps the masthead. This once again underlines the fact that ‘Tupac’is the focal point of the magazine. This could be down to the fact that his life was hugely controversial and having his image would help the magazine get noticed on the shelves as he was internationally known. The front cover consists of a dark theme, including colours such as Brown and Black. This helps outline Tupac's dark and enigmatic personality, which is generally associated with rappers. He, like ‘baby’ and ‘lil Wayne’, is shown shirtless. This again underlines the fact that the director wanted him to look more masculine, showing off the many tattoos on his body. There is also an element of sex appeal because he is exposing his nakedness to the taste of women and homosexuals.  'Tupac' is not wearing any jewelry and this could suggests that the director also wanted to show a subtle side to the rapper. His poise is key in this image. He looks to have his hands behind his back as if he were being handcuffed. This links to the origin of hip-hop were the genre was developed from young black males in the USA feeling oppressed by the police, also 'Tupac' himself had many problems with law and authority.This could also suggests that he is sticking to the fundamentals of hip-hop culture and this pose helps make him look a victim of society not only that, he appeals to urban society's were it is seen as 'gangster' to oppose the police. The result of this is that it causes 'Tupac' to look more powerful dominant and imposing.

My Quetionnaire

For my media coursework I will be designing and producing a magazine targeted at young people in the UK. In order for me to start designing my magazine it is vital that I undergo research so that I can understand what readers are looking for in a successful music magazine. I would be highly grateful if you could spare a few short minutes of your time completing this questionnaire!

1.      What gender are you?

 Male                Female
[       ]                 [       ]

2.       How old are you?

16-18                 18-21
[      ]                  [      ]

3.      What ethnic background do you come from?

White British/ Irish        Black British/African     Black British/Caribbean      

[      ]                                    [      ]                                [      ]

Black British/Other       Asian British/ Chinese      Asian British/ Indian     

[      ]                                    [      ]                                [      ]

Asian British/Other       Mixed/Black and White     Mixed/Other                Other  

[      ]                                    [      ]                                [      ]                         [      ]

4.       What genre(s) of music best suits you taste?

Hip-hop             R&B                Indie Rock                  Grime              Heavy Metal

[      ]                  [      ]                    [      ]                        [      ]                   [      ]           

Death Metal      Dubstep             Reggae                     Punjabi MC      Classical 

          [      ]                 [      ]                    [      ]                       [     ]                    [      ]

          Instrumental     Other (please state): _________________________
          [      ]

5.      Do you read music magazines?

Yes                      No
[      ]                  [      ]
If yes, please state which one(s):  ________________________________________

6.      How much money would you spend on a music magazine?

Under £2.oo                  £2.oo-£3.oo                 £3.oo-£4.oo                 £4.oo+
[      ]                              [      ]                             [      ]                          [      ]

7.      What type of freebies would you prefer with a magazine you have purchased?

Headphones                  Posters             Cameras                      Mini Make up Kit
[      ]                              [      ]                [      ]                            [      ]

8.      Do you watch music channels on Television?

Yes                    No

[      ]                  [      ]

If yes, please name the music channel(s):  _________________________________

9.      Do you listen to music on the radio, if so which one(s)?

Kiss 100                        capital FM               Heart               magic                              

[      ]                  [      ]                       [      ]                [      ]      

Platinum            classical FM

[      ]                  [      ]

10.  Have you ever been to a music concert?

Yes                    No

If yes, please state the genre: _________________

11.  Do you produce your own music, if so, which programme do you use? (optional)

Cubase               Fruity loops                 Reason                        Logic               Garageband
          [      ]                  [      ]                            [      ]                [      ]                [      ]   
          Other, please specify: ___________________


12.  Would you ever take on singing or producing as a career?

Yes                    No

[      ]                  [     ]

13.  Do you play any musical instruments?

Yes                    No

[      ]                  [      ]

If yes, please specify: ______________________________

If there are any issue or questions you would like to ask do not hesitate. Please write in following space below:

Monday, January 24, 2011

Music Magazine Analysis - XXL (baby and lil wayne) & VIBE (usher)

The XXL Masthead really sets the tone of what genre the magazine is based on. The use of diamonds in the font automatically holds connotations of wealth and money which is prominently mentioned in recent hip-hop/rap music. The number of chains on their necks also compliments the title as it too shows connotations of wealth and money, revealing they have enough money to afford the quantity of chains. 'baby' and 'lil wayne' both are shown shirtless. This reveals their full body tattoos which suggests they are flaunting their masculinity, as tattoos hurt when being done. This appeals to younger teenage boys who tend to look up to rappers. Not only that, the fact that they are showing their bodies means that they are attracting interest from young impressionable teenage girls, in other words the image has sex appeal. 'baby' has his arm around 'lil wayne' and this can be seen as 'baby' protecting him, almost like a older brother to a younger sibling. the poise of both men (tilting head) shows a great degree of arrogance which is linked with hip-hop culture. It is well known that the lyrics used by the latest rappers is to boast about the money they have and the image helps embrace this. The main cover line's font is large so that the reader knows what the main article will be about and the red colour used in this image helps it to stand out as red has connotations of danger which is linked into gangster rap and hip-hop. The background in the image was purposely blurred and the effect of this is that is focuses the attention of the reader to the focal point of the image, 'baby' and 'lil wayne'.

The VIBE magazine's masthead font stands out as R&B style as it is big, bold and stands out in your face. The colour baby blue also helps underline that point as it represents a cool and smooth nature. This also relates to 'usher' because he is an R&B artist,and  they are expected to have this personality. His name 'usher' and the main image of him overshadows the masthead which means he is more important. This could be down to the fact that he is the centre of attention because he is famous and can be identified on a global scale. So in many ways it could be seen as the company VIBE using usher's image to sell more magazines. The front page consists of primary colours which help the cover lines stand out. The use of Yellow, Red and Blue highlights this. The little 'e' in the masthead draws little attention to the name of the magazine. There also was the use of graffiti style font on the word 'swagger' which helps underline the colloquialism in the term 'swagger' to have style. usher is wearing much less jewellery in this image as a pose to 'baby' and 'lil wayne'. This could be down to the fact that R&B in general has a more mellow vibe to it than hip-hop, which is more urban. Likewise with the tattoos, usher is only showing one, which again links to the subtlety of R&B. in this image usher is seen as a metro sexual, this shows that he appeals to both homosexuals and heterosexuals. The ring finger image reinforces the main cover line but also is showing a 'gangster' side to usher in the fact that the finger is provocative. This is because it is being used like a middle finger which is a sign of dislike or discomfort towards someone. the sunglasses that usher wears makes him seem enigmatic, almost saying 'I can see you but you cant see what i'm looking at'. Usher likewise with the arrogance of 'baby' and 'lil wayne' is shown when tiling his head. This shows a strong link in culture between hip-hop and R&B and also reinforces the cover like "(king) is back". the use of the word "sex" is all over the front page, it is mentioned over a staggering 3 times. This could suggest that usher has a great deal of sex appeal because the nature of R&B is generally to talk about making love.